
Cropped Cabled Sweater

Cabled Sweater with Shawl Collar – Notes for Cropped Version Mods by Kristen Bucci
(Based on DROPS 104-31)
Used stitch counts for M/L

US 10 32” and 16” needles
9 skeins of Lamb's Pride Bulky; Color M41 Turkish Olive

Knitting gauge: 15 sts x 28 rows in garter sts = 4”

Back and front pieces: Knit piece back and forth on circular needles.

Cast on 166 sts (includes 1 front band sts on each side) on US 10. Knit 1 row (WS).

Work next row (RS) as follows: Slip 1 edge st, work rib patt = K4 / P4, finish with 4 K and K 1 edge sts. Cont to slip the first st in each row as you work est rib patt.

When piece measures 4 3/4’’ work 2 rows knitting all sts. In the first of these 2 garter stitch rows, insert stitch markers at 37 sts from each side to separate Left/Right front and Back sts AND at the same time dec 18 sts evenly in the 92 BACK STITCHES ONLY for a total of 158 sts.

Continue as follows seen from RS:
Slip 1 edge st, 4 sts reverse stockinette, work Cable Chart (M.1) = 8 sts, 4 sts reverse stockinette, sm, *P4 on each row, K8 sts on each row*, repeat from *-* to marker, sm, P4 on each row, 4 reverse stockinette, work Cable Chart (M.1), 4 reverse stockinette and 1 edge sts.

Mod Note: I did a Right twisting cable on the Left front side, and a Left twisting cable on the Right front side.

When piece measures ~9 3/4" (or desired length from underarm to bottom) from the CO edge inc 1 sts (I used kfb) on each side of stitch markers on every other row 6 times in total = 170 sts – K all the new stitches in subsequent rows. When piece measures 11 ¼” split at stitch markers and complete each part separately. Keep sleeve stitches on waste yarn or st holders.

Mod Note: I ended Right Front on Row 22 (WS). Ended Left Front on Row 21 (RS).

Back piece = 84 sts. Continue with P over P and K over K. When back piece measures 18” bind off middle 28 sts for neck = 28 sts left for each shoulder. Cont in patt and work each shoulder section until piece measures 19 1/4”; put shoulders stitches on waste yarn/st holders.

Left Front piece = 43 sts. Continue in pattern on Row 22 as before. When piece measures 14” (mine was after 16 rows) bind off 6 sts mid front towards neckline. Note: For Left front, the bind off will be at the beginning of the Right Side rows. For Right front, it will be at the beginning of the Wrong Side rows.

Continuing binding-off (I slipped the 1st stitch when binding off to avoid the “stair-step” effect) at neckline on every other row: 3 sts once, 2 sts twice, and 1 st twice = 28 sts left on shoulder. When piece measures 19 1/4” put stitches on waste yarn.

Right Front piece: Knit like left piece but reversed.

Shoulder assembly: With right sides of shoulders facing, join shoulder seams using a three-needle bind off.

Right Front edge: Knit back and forth on circular needles. With RS facing, pick up 32 sts (or # divisible 8 + 4) along right front piece. Knit 1 row.

Knit next row (RS) as follows: K4, work rib patt = P4/ K4 until last 8 sts, work these P4 and K4 on each row. When Rib measures 1 1/2’’ bind off buttonholes 4 evenly, place top buttonhole approx 3/8” from edge and bottom buttonhole approx 1 1/2’’from bottom edge. Work buttonhole as: bind off 2 sts and then cast on 2 new sts on next row.

Continue est rib until it measures 2’’, bind off loosely in pattern.

Left Front edge: Knit like right front edge, but with no buttonholes.

Sleeves: Pick up 64 (or # divisible by 8) around armhole on 12-16” circular needle. Join for working in the round. P1 round, then work rib patt = K4 / P4 until edge measures 2”. Bind off loosely in pattern.

Collar: Piece is worked back and forth. With right side facing, starting at Right Front edge, pick up 124. Knit 1 row from WS, then next row from RS as follows: K4 sts, est rib patt = K4/P4 until 8 sts remain in row, K 8 1/2".

Next row (WS): K4 sts, P4/K4 until 8 sts remain in row, P 4, K 4.

Continue with 4 sts each side in garter and remaining sts in est rib patt. Bind off loosely in pattern when collar measures ~8”.

Weave in all ends, but don't trim them short yet. Wet block. Sew on buttons and trim all ends.
Explanation to pattern diagram

= K from RS, P from WS
= Slip 4 sts onto cable needle to front (or back) of piece, K 4, K 4 from cable needle

All measurements in charts are in cm.